Friday, 21 December 2012

China to the UAE

Andy Brandl has posted the lens onto an old contact of mine that I know from the macro world.  Yousef Al-Habashi in Abu Dhabi, UAE.  When I first got into high magnification macro, it didn't take long for me to find some of his work.  It really is top tier, and he's also a very friendly, informative and willing to share in any of his experiences.  The kind of contact that any photographer needs in order to improve.  I want the final collection of images to be diverse when the project is completed.  Unfortunately this means that the high magnification macro slot has been taken by another contributor further down the line.  So we are restrecting Yousef to pretty much anything else.  I'm sure this will not be a problem as I have seen plenty of his other images that are equally stunning.  Should be really interesting to see what he produces.  Good luck Yousef.

Yousef sporting an interesting hat.

A recent images produced by Yousef.

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Andy Brandl

I must apologise for the infrequency of my blog posts.  I recently got ill with Bell's Palsy (facial paralysis) and a lot of my time has been taken up visiting Doctors and Pharmacys.  Despite this the lens is still making good time on it's travels around the globe.  Dan Goodwin finished his time with the lens and posted it to Andy Brandl in China.  Me and Andy have been in touch quite regularly and we have a very nice image taken with the lens for the book.  He has since packed the lens back up and shipped it off to Yousef Al-Habshi in Abu Dhabi, UAE.  Here is a photograph of Andy with the lens.  Thanks for a great job Andy, I'll be back in touch towards the end of the project.

Andy Brandl with the lens in Hangzhou, China

A little more info about Andy ...

Andy Brandl, 36 - Photographer, Psychologist.
A German freelancer focusing on architecture and landscape photography.
Andy seeks out subjects and locations for his photography primarily in China and Germany and works as a Getty Images contributor, using digital full frame Nikon equipment.

Andy describes his photography as being directed by his moods and intuition when taking the shots and by the current extent of his interest in processing techniques when finalising them in order to best suit his vision.  When in China, photography is Andy's means to come to terms with the many contradictions of this country, for a Westerner, a peculiar fascination of its own.

Here is a recent shot by Andy that I particularly like, that he has given me permission to post on the blog (thanks!).

Moving whilst standing still, by Andy Brandl.