Andy Brandl has posted the lens onto an old contact of mine that I know from the macro world. Yousef Al-Habashi in Abu Dhabi, UAE. When I first got into high magnification macro, it didn't take long for me to find some of his work. It really is top tier, and he's also a very friendly, informative and willing to share in any of his experiences. The kind of contact that any photographer needs in order to improve. I want the final collection of images to be diverse when the project is completed. Unfortunately this means that the high magnification macro slot has been taken by another contributor further down the line. So we are restrecting Yousef to pretty much anything else. I'm sure this will not be a problem as I have seen plenty of his other images that are equally stunning. Should be really interesting to see what he produces. Good luck Yousef.
Yousef sporting an interesting hat.
A recent images produced by Yousef.
Yousef sporting an interesting hat.
A recent images produced by Yousef.